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Motorcycle Accidents in Ontario

Motorcycle Accidents in Ontario

A recent article on the Toronto Star's website provides the Ontario Provincial Police's most recent statistics on motorcycle fatalities in Ontario. The article notes that the number of motorcycle fatalities was very high this year. As of August 18, there had been 26 fatal motorcycle collision compared to a total of 29 deaths in 2013. The article can be viewed by clicking on the title of this post....

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Brain Injury Association Mix and Mingle

Brain Injury Awareness Month

June is Brain Injury Awareness Month and various awareness activities have taken place across Canada. On June 5th, the Brain Injury Association of York Region (BIAYR) hosted a mix and mingle after their Annual General Meeting. The event was well attended and allowed survivors, treatment providers and others who assist those who suffer from the effects of an acquired brain injury to get to know each other and discuss issues faced by survivors in York Region. Adam Halioua, a Director of the BIAYR and Partner with Goodman Halioua LLP, was on hand to deliver the opening remarks on behalf of...

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Remember the 10 Day Notice Period!

A recent Ontario case dealt with the requirement that notice to the City of Toronto must be provided within 10 days of an accident as required by section 42(6) of the City of Toronto Act (also found in the Municipal Act). This notice requirement applies to incidents occurring on municipal property. In Seif v. City of Toronto (released May 13, 2014), the plaintiff did not notify the City of her trip and fall incident, which occurred on a City sidewalk until just over four months after the date of her accident. The reason for the late notice, as stated in the...

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New Challenges for Accident Victims and their Families

The Ontario government quietly made some important changes to the automobile insurance legislation in the Province. On December 17, 2013, the government released Ontario Regulation 347/13 (the “Regulation”) under the Insurance Act, which implemented three changes to the Statutory Accident Benefits Schedule (“SABS”). Two of the changes significantly limit the rights of motorists who are injured in Ontario. One of the changes affects the requirements that must be met by an insured claiming that they fall outside of the Minor Injury Guidelines (the “MIG”) and corresponding $3,500.00 limit. Prior to the Regulation, compelling evidence that an insured “has a pre-existing medical...

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FAIR for Car Accident Victims

Goodman Halioua LLP is proud to announce that it has joined FAIR (Fair Association of Victims for Accident Insurance Reform). FAIR is a not-for-profit organization of car accident victims struggling with the current automobile insurance system in Ontario. FAIR seeks the reform of automobile insurance legislation in Ontario so that all car accident victims receive the treatment they require. The current legislation and the often inappropriate use of the Minor Injury Guidelines (MIG) classification provides insurers with broad powers. These powers allow insurers to limit claimants' rights to the benefits they need and their ability to discover the extent of their injuries and...

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